“Shapes in Space” Lamps

Category: Lighting -> Floor Lamps, Table Lamps
Cost: $75 – $350
Poly Count: Medium poly (same as sculpture)
EPs Required: Pets

First post of 2022. To quote Forrest Gump, that’s all I have to say about that. πŸ˜›

Anyway. A while back, when I was playing the game for once and not just play testing stuff, I came across the PETS “Shapes in Space” sculpture (that I’d quite forgotten existed)… and was a little disappointed it wasn’t a floor lamp. I thought it would have made a perfect lamp for space-minded Sims like the Curious brothers, so… I made it a floor lamp. (I made a floor lamp that looked like the sculpture, I mean. I didn’t turn the actual sculpture into a floor lamp.) And then I made a bigger one, because options. And also two table lamps, so you can have lamps that match.

I give you Lamps… in… Space! (And yes, you’re supposed to read that in a “Pigs in Space” voice πŸ˜‰ ).

The lamps have the same recols for the base and the glass (well, in my mind, the egg-shaped part is glass, anyway) as the in-game sculpture, plus another 30 recols in Anna’s colours (love that palette!) for the glass.


The large floor lamp and the table lamps are repositoried to the original-sized floor lamp (the orange one to the left in the picture above). This lamp, in turn, is texture referenced to the “Shapes in Space” sculpture – but not repo’d to it, that wouldn’t work since lamps have two states. So if you want to recolour the lamps it’s the the parent lamp you want to recol, not the sculpture, and any recols (including mine) will work for the lamps only. (And yes, I know this might seem like a stupid way to go about it – why not just extract the sculpture textures, right? – but I did it like this because I wanted the lamps to require PETS even though I couldn’t repo them; to me it didn’t seem right to take an EP item and basically make it base game.)

7 thoughts on ““Shapes in Space” Lamps

    • I couldn’t help myself, I’ve been hearing it like that the entire time. πŸ˜‰ And thanks! As always, I’m glad you like it. πŸ˜€

  1. How clever! I particularly like the littlest lamp. At least until someone makes a blue canary in the outlet by the light switch this is the perfect nightlight for a child’s bedroom!

    • Glad you like! πŸ˜€ And that one’s my favourite, too, I think it’s really cute.

      Actually… a coloured night light is something that’s floating around at the edges of my to-do list. πŸ™‚ I was thinking cute cat head for a mesh, though.

  2. I really don’t expect you to get all my jokes (although we do seem to have quite similar tastes and frames of reference). 🙂 Anyway, the blue canary is pretty iconic; I was just trying to be funny, not tell you what to make!

    Right now, though…is anything comical? Every time I read the news I grow more appalled, horrified, sick, and enraged. I have no processing capacity left for humour. 😢

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