
Hi there! I’m NixNivis, and this is my Sims 2 blog. I do not make things for TS3 or TS4; I don’t have either game and I’m not interested in getting them. I’m perfectly happy in my little TS2 corner. 🙂

I started playing The Sims 2 in 2004 and began creating for it in 2006. The reason was Star Trek. I’d been wanting to set up a Starfleet ‘hood and had been searching for some decent Starfleet uniforms for quite some time, but I hadn’t been able to find anything I liked… so I decided to learn how to make them myself. The rest, as they say, is history. 😎 I’ve branched off these days, but I still make Star Trek things every now and then, especially when I need something for my “holonovels” (i.e. Star Trek Sim stories).

The blog name is a play on words on my screen name NixNivis – Nix, for short. Sims made by Nix are… Nixed Sims, of course! My creations are better than my puns, though… I hope. 😉

For the record, I’m a (cis) woman and my pronouns are she/her. (I won’t be offended if you use they/them, but it would be great if you could please respect my pronouns. Especially since I just told you what they are and all. 😛 )

Happy Simming! :mrgreen: