All-in-One Outhouse

Blind Date All-in-One Outhouse

Category: Plumbing -> Toilets
Cost: $50
Poly Count: Low poly
EPs Required: None – base-game compatible

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Outhouses smell like sh!t
But you won’t, ’cause
You’ll be squeaky clean after using this one

(All right, so I might need to work some on my poetry skills. 😛 )

So, a Yeti was going on a blind date. Now, this Yeti wanted to give their date a romantic gift for the occasion, something they knew said date would appreciate and cherish forever. Obviously, they wanted to give them… an outhouse. But not just any old outhouse! No, Yeti wanted it to be something like Veranka’s all-in-one bathroom, that raises Sims’ hygiene as well as their bladder. They asked me if I’d like to collaborate with them in making it, and since I really like Yetis (especially this one), I said yes. 🙂

The result was the “Smells Like Roses” Outhouse.

Update, 28 April 2015: As requested by godlimpingby, there is now a variation that doesn’t raise hygiene. See the end of the post for more info.

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